The 816th Quartermaster Amphibious Truck Company was activated at Camp Gordon Johnston on August 15th 1943, with 1st Lt Robert A. Hickel in command. It was redesignated the 816th Amphibious Truck Company in October of 1943, and began their DUKW training on October 30. In late March 1944, the company left New York for Liverpool, and arrived at their new location at Llanelly, Carm, Wales on April 7th. On May 17th they were assigned to the 531st Engineers Boat and Shore Regiment of the 1st Engineers Special Brigade at Cornwall, England. At this point 1st Lt. Leland H. Burgess assumed command. On June 9th, 1944, the company departed from Southampton on LSTs and arrived June 11 on Utah Beach, where they operated DUWKs unloading ships under fire. KIA was 1st Lt Robert Hinkel; Pvt Arthur Mullins was wounded, both on June 14. The 816th continued with this mission until Nov 11. During this period the company made almost 37,000 DUKW trips and hauled 110,352 tons of cargo.
On November 11, 1944, the 816th relocated to the port of Cherbourg where they moved 3803 DUKW loads netting 6920 tons of cargo. On January 8 they moved to Le Havre where they moved 24,831 DUKW loads with 24,831 total tons. On June 1 1945 their DUKW related work was done, after moving a total of 170,723 tons or the equivalent of 30 Liberty Ships! They arrived in Marsaille to stage for transfer to the Pacific Theater, but by July they were told that those orders had changed. The 816th Amphibious Truck was inactivated in October of 1945, and the personnel distributed to other truck companies .
From the Unit History written by Charles P. Forbes 1st Lt. Unit Historian