To his family from Belgium, Feb. 18, 1945. Description of V-1 bombs and attitude toward them. Lt. Dante Mambretti was in the 344th Harbor Craft Co. U.S. Army.

From The State Historical Society of Missouri Digital Collection:
From CGJ orders: (Reeves file):
- 344 Ayer Lawrence F. T/4 36506208 31-May-44
- 344 Fox Arthur R. 2nd Lt 01038213 15-Jun-44
- 344 Lane Richard S. 2nd Lt 01038213 15-Jun-44
- 344 Norman Hugh W. WOJG W2139861 10-Apr-44 Mar Engr
From CGJ orders dated 18-Feb-44 (Bridgeford file): Keeler, Clifton E., T/4, 20119434
From Ballard, Donnell A. Box 5 2LT Survey