The 339th Harbor Craft Company was transferred to England in 1944, and worked at Omaha Beach, St. Germain, LeHavre and Antwerp. The Company was returned to Camp Gordon Johnston to prepare for the invasion of Japan, but the war ended and they were disbanded.
Additional members from CGJ orders:
From CGJ Orders:
Constantinos, D Rozos, W2131027, 20-Apr-1944 (Bridgeford file)
339 Melms William T. 1st Lt 0557980 6-Aug-45 (Reeves file)
339 Theobald John W. 1st Lt 0557567 6-Aug-45 (Reeves file)
Company headquarters at CGJ in the summer of 1945 as they prepared for the invasion of Japan
Men of the 339th towing a barge in Plymouth, 1944.
Vessels of the 339th in Antwerp, May 1945
Read 339th veteran Albert Rittenhouse’ story here under the Tribute to Veteran tab.