Written by Robert Amory Jr, the following book has a comprehensive chapter on the 533rd’s stay at Camp Gordon Johnston, including many photographs of the unit in action during training here.
The following logo came from this website: 533rd Engineer Boat & Shore Regiment – WALT DISNEY GOES TO WAR – U.S. Militaria Forum (usmilitariaforum.com)

HQ CO | ||
Alvarado, Manuel G. | PVT | 18197573 |
Baldwin, Herbert W. | CPL | 35032259 |
Beam, Charles C. | PVT | 38563915 |
Beauregard, Leo A. | TEC5 | 31227005 |
Bistolas, Nick | TEC5 | 36335941 |
Bledsoe, John M. | PVT | 34003816 |
Brannan, Harold G. T. | PVT | 12065975 |
Brown, Bernard B. | PFC | 38054309 |
Brown, Warren T. | PVT | 32713666 |
Cashman, Truman D. | PFC | 36449465 |
Chodkowski, Walter M. | CPL | 32350215 |
Cole, Eugene, M. | TEC5 | 33697993 |
Cormack, Curtis H. | PVT | 17146345 |
Critelli, Ruggiero S. | PVT | 32392188 |
Crowther, William A. | PFC | 33728404 |
Fennell, Olan L | SSGT | 6826364 |
Flanagan, Japhet T. | PVT | 32266826 |
Frank, Francis J.D. | PVT | 12072918 |
Goldberg, Irwin | TEC5 | 36666552 |
Gonzalez, Reynaldo R. | PVT | 38459784 |
Gorman, Ralph J. | TEC5 | 37243711 |
Gracey, Robert C. | PVT | 13098087 |
Grodevant, Martin S. | PVT | 36275433 |
Hooker, Thurston P. | PVT | 34730132 |
Hucko, Walter J. | PVT | 35381265 |
Ives, Frank T. | PVT | 37356381 |
Jacobsen, Leonard G. | TEC5 | 37656401 |
Jassem. Harold M. | PVT | 12125687 |
Locke, Fredeick W. | PVT | 31339023 |
MacCallum, Arthur M. | PVT | 31137440 |
Martin, Robert G. | PFC | 37236128 |
Michaud, Lionel W. | TEC4 | 32340526 |
Mitchll, Frank M. | PFC | 35409622 |
Murphy, Maurice B. | TEC5 | 31257343 |
Naugle, Michael A. | PVT | 35314062 |
Ondo, John Jr. | PVT | 35381287 |
Perry, Cal A. | PVT | 13021043 |
Phillips, Iradell R. | TEC4 | 39277001 |
Phillips, Wesley T. | TEC4 | 18232405 |
Plonski, Bruno W. | PVT | 35327490 |
Ray, Jack H. | PFC | 36551451 |
Risinger, Herbert | TEC5 | 38303182 |
Schnieders, John B. | PFC | 35799742 |
Sears, Theodore W. | CPL | 37013681 |
Seefeldt, Melvin L. | PVT | 36821685 |
Seims, Curtis L. | PVT | 36821466 |
Shannon, John R. | PFC | 34335077 |
Sherer, Lyle W. | PVT | 37656339 |
Skelley, Edward F. | PFC | 36674310 |
Snyder, Joseph | PVT | 33417607 |
Spangler, Henry O. | PVT | 33653206 |
Straub, William F. | PVT | 36047905 |
Syracusa, Rudolf S. | TEC4 | 36717165 |
Thelkeld, Jack E. | PFC | 37492248 |
Tse, Thet D. | TEC5 | 39034971 |
Vanderpool, Virgil L. | PFC | 17009075 |
Verhoeven, Emil J. | PFC | 39401970 |
Vernetti, Frank | PVT | 36485805 |
Wallace, Lloyd E. | PVT | 38444983 |
Walters, Francis E. | PFC | 36674918 |
Welch, Grady E. | PFC | 38391491 |
Williams, James G. | PVT | 35091411 |
Winiecki, Chester J. | PVT | 36277003 |
Woodbridge, John S. | PFC | 33642343 |
Co D | ||
Akridge, Andrew E. | Pvt | 37621672 |
Barnett, Robert O. | T/5 | 13066172 |
Berry, William | Pfc | 35212306 |
Brown, Robert C. | Pfc | 35331634 |
Camozzi, Richard | Pvt | 36716920 |
Clay, Haddock T. | Pvt | 32859023 |
Cousins, Byrl G. | Pvt | 37666961 |
Daum, Arvin C. | Pfc | 17145482 |
Diekema, Gerald E. | Pfc | 36461763 |
Everette, William R. | Pvt | 33642086 |
Fleitz, Lawrence H. | Pfc | 35554783 |
Forster, Walter J. | Pfc | 36827338 |
Gosney, Marion R. | Sgt | 37076961 |
Gough, Thomas C. | Pfc | 33728334 |
Hayman, Frederick W. | Pvt | 33645689 |
Hicks, Jack L. | Pfc | 38458524 |
Hines, Robert R. | Pfc | 12214231 |
Jaszewski, David F. | Pfc | 37030728 |
Jmuzio, Tony N. | Pfc | 32422108 |
Leahy, Paul A. | Cpl | 31159277 |
Leathers, August C. | Pfc | 33745244 |
Lubka, Albert H. | Pfc | 36821844 |
McFarland, Clarence W. | Pvt | 33191871 |
Nygaad, Kenneth P. | Pfc | 37093541 |
Owens, Floyd R. | Pfc | 33642459 |
Pane, Lawrence | Sgt | 39001594 |
Phillips, Roland A. | Pvt | 33642364 |
Powell, Walter M. | Pvt | 33642404 |
Ramey, Cleveland L. | Pvt | 33642472 |
Records, Burton S. | Cpl | 38131100 |
Riley, Jack | Pvt | 33745263(?) |
Ryan, Emmett A. | Pfc | 32423873 |
Semborski, Edward J. | Pfc | 36250438 |
Stoloski, Ralph A. | Pvt | 36827907 |
Stueland, Richard O. | T/4 | 37293473 |
Taylor, Carl S. | Pvt | 34733377 |
Thomas, William W. | T/5 | 31078004 |
Thompson, Theodore F. | Pvt | 32925283 |
Tucker, Willis W. | T/5 | 35287181 |
Walendzik, Marvin R. | Pvt | 36195647 |
Wallace, James H. | Pfc | 38134255 |
Wells, Lawrence T. | Pfc | 32075589 |
Wright, Hunter M. | Pvt | 33642387 |
Yannarella, Lawrence | T/5 | 32309540 |
Yarish, John A. | Pfc | 33495385 |
Yolton, Gene L. | PVT | 36673679 |
3rd ESB 533rd EBSR Co. B This photograph, taken at Fort Ord, California of T/5 Harry B. Eastman and some B company pals on 7 Nov 43, about 2 weeks before shipping out. Harry is to the far left, with his ever present pipe in his mouth. The names on the back of the photo are faded but appear to be Pat Schmase, Floyd Genge and Russ Wold. Photograph courtesy of Harry's son David Eastman.